
The use of specific adjustments to improve spinal motion to the restricted areas to improve body’s physical function to improve the individual’s activities.

• To reduce and manage pain and spams
• Regain motion within the joint

Dry Needling/Punción Seca

The use of fine needles that penetrate the skin onto the myofascial trigger points to help increase range of motion and decrease pain on the taut bands.

• Pain reduction
• Increase range of motion
• Increase quality of life


Cupping: The utilization of cupping that is suctioned onto the skin to the treat areas to help with blood and loosen fascia and connective tissue.

• Increase blood flow
• Stimulate healing by microtrauma
• Reduce scar tissue formation

ESWT (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy)

High energy sound waves that is used to stimulate healing in various musculoskeletal conditions. It is non-invasive with little to no downtime. This is great for plantar fasciitis, heel spur, tendonitis, trigger points, tennis/golfer's elbow, scar tissue, calcification and so much more.

Dr. Realegeno-Arellano was born and raised here in the BCS area and currently resides here with her husband and daughter. She loves the BCS and a reason why she wants to practice here and help a diverse of patients. She is also fluent in Spanish and would love nothing more but to reach out to the Spanish community and help as many patients as possible. She also has a passion for multiple sports especially for Soccer and has noticed the lack of awareness for preventative injuries in female athletes. Having played soccer in the past and her daughter currently plays soccer she is more than happy to help in preventative and active care for athletes. Overall, Dr. Realegeno-Arellano wants to make each of her patients feeling well up to their optimal best in order to continue to their daily activities.

Dra. Realegeno-Arellano nació y creció aquí en Bryan-College Station y actualmente reside aquí con su esposo y su hija. Le encanta el BCS y es una razón por la que quiere practicar aquí y ayudar a una diversidad de pacientes. Ella también habla Español y nada le gustaría más que llegar a la comunidad Hispana y ayudar a tantos pacientes como sea posible. También le apasionan múltiples deportes, especialmente el fútbol, y ha notado la falta de conciencia sobre la prevención de lesiones en las atletas femeninas. Habiendo jugado fútbol en el pasado ysu hija actualmente juega fútbol, está más que feliz de ayudar en el cuidado preventivo yactivo de los atletas. En general, la Dra. Realegeno-Arellano quiere que cada uno de sus pacientes se sienta bien hasta su nivel óptimo para continuar con sus actividades diarias.

Dr. Realegeno-Arellano was born and raised here in the BCS area and currently resides here with h... Read More

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